There’s nothing like the convenience of revving up to a drive-thru window on your trip home. Once inessential add-ons to an otherwise already-spectacular drive-thru performance, speed and service are now what make drive-thrus top contenders. What with the rise of...
The dawn of the flourishing world of the internet and digital technology has paved the way for many marketing tools. Since then, it has become easier for brands to incur valuable feedback from their customers, with genuine and authentic perspectives on their products...
Today, you can use various means and methods to improve sales performance and boost your employees’ morale and achievement at the same time. One of them is through mystery shopping, wherein you hire mystery or undercover shoppers to gather information in your retail...
Businesses left and right have been utilizing mystery shopping as a strategic way to collect data such as employee performance, quality of products or services, and see the store experience you offer from a customer’s perspective. Mystery shopping is an excellent...
Mystery shopping has now become an important development tool for a lot of companies today. The idea behind mystery shopping is not to catch employees doing something wrong; instead, it’s about catching them doing things right. One-to-One In Person The best way to...