Owning and managing a business is quite an ordeal, especially when it comes to handling a brick-and-mortar retail store. While it’s essential to have products that your potential customers will always want and need, the crucial component is to keep your business within the sight of your audience to keep it relevant.

No matter how good your marketing and advertising are, it’s inevitable to lose your consumers at some point. The overall goal, however, is to minimize the number of customers you lose by enticing them to make repeat purchases. To properly achieve this, it’s wise to keep track of your customer churn.

What Is Customer Churn?

Customer churn is the overall attrition or loss of customers that your business has over a set time period. It is inevitable to lose customers, especially for brick-and-mortar stores, as they are prone to moving away from the local area or even dying. The crucial component here, however, is to identify whether customer churn is driven by voluntary or involuntary choices.

Voluntary customer churn is brought about by a conscious decision of a customer to switch providers to your competitors. This is usually due to a number of factors: poor customer service, poor facilities, or poor products. By identifying these issues, you can improve your business’ overall client satisfaction—which is where mystery shopper companies come in.

What Is Mystery Shopping?

Mystery shopping is a marketing research strategy that places a researcher in the guise of a customer to review a particular business’ sales funnel. This can provide you valuable insight as to how customers perceive your business and what on-store systems are actually working upon the entry of a potential buyer.

How Can It Alleviate Customer Churn?

By utilizing a professional mystery shopping program, you can identify basic errors and improve sales and employee performance—which ultimately lead to improving customer retention. To further cement this point, here are three ways that it can improve your business’ customer churn.

Upscale Business Efficiency

You can be able to view your stores through the lens of an unbiased third-party observer. They can take note of the certain sales processes that are either missed or are unnecessary—which ultimately can be cut-out to repurpose your marketing and sales budget.

Point Towards CS Deficiencies

One of the basic reasons for customer churn is poor customer service, which is generally due to poor training. Through a basic assessment of the in-store sales process, you can figure out which aspects of your customer service can be improved upon.

Assess Facility Conditions

Through an assessment of facility conditions, you can determine whether it’s conducive for the consumer to shop and patronize your business. While it might be perfect for working standards, it might not be fitting in the eyes of your customers.

The Bottom Line

When it comes to managing a brick-and-mortar store, it’s wise to frequently re-assess your customer churn. To improve your monthly stats, you can utilize the help of a secret shopper company to give you some valuable insight into your store’s performance.

Are you looking for the best mystery shopper company in the US to help you improve your customer churn? At JM Ridgway, we provide only the best services to give you the information you need to improve your business. Get in touch with us today!

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